There are many reasons why I love Daytona in February….
Reason #1
Reason #2
More Snow
Reason #3
Snow drifting up my windows
Reason #4
Snow on my Hot Tub……
Reason #5
Snow on my deck….
Reason #6
Snow all over sidewalk….I HATE TO SHOVEL…
Reason #7
I HATE TO SHOVEL and I never get to use the snow blower,… Gino always gets the snowblower… it’s not fair… but I take 1 for the team and stay on the shovel for about an hour and then … will need a break…
If there were a shovelers union — I would join — so reason #7 is that I never get to use the snowblower..I was born a lowely shoveler
Reason #8
Cold Feet….So I put in a good hour without even crying or whining or complaining about cold feet…or cold anything….
Reason #9
Snow plows…love that they clear the street — hate that they backfill the driveway…
Reason #10…
Yes, blue skys… warm walks…
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